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Front Office Policies

Reporting Absences

Please communicate all absences to the front office (email: office@archwayscottsdale.org) AND your lead homeroom teacher and assistant teacher.

Students Leaving Early

We kindly request that you avoid picking up your child before the end of the school day. Important instruction continues up until dismissal, and early pick ups disrupt not only your child’s learning but also impact the entire classroom. Please plan appointments before or after school, or on early release Wednesdays.

  • More than two early pickups in a month will require a doctor’s note.
  • We do not call students out of class before parents arrive on campus. Please give yourself time to find a parking spot, come into the lobby, let us know that you are signing your student out, and give them time to get packed up before they come to the office to meet you.
  • Please note that if you arrive to pick up your student while they are in transition, at recess, in a specials class, or out of the classroom for an event or activity, our front office staff will be unable to leave the desk to retrieve them. In these cases, we kindly ask that you patiently wait until your child has returned to their classroom before we can call them to the front office to meet you.

Please be prompt when picking up your students at dismissal time!

  • We do not allow front office pick up at dismissal time. All students must be picked up through the regular car line.
  • Parents are granted to 30-minute window after their student’s regular dismissal time to pick them up from school. In the event that you arrive more than 30 minutes after dismissal, a late fee of $1 per minute will be charged.
  • For after school clubs: Parents are granted a 10-minute window after their student’s club dismissal time to pick them up. In the event that you arrive more than 10 minutes late, a late fee of $1 per minute will be charged. Two late pickups will result in the student being dropped from the club with no refunsd.

Forgotten Items

After school, students are not allowed to re-enter the school after they have been picked up to retrieve forgotten books, lunchboxes, homework, etc. This policy is in place for the safety of students and also to increase the virtue of responsibility in our students.

For the security of our students and faculty, the office staff cannot leave the front office to deliver forgotten lunches, water bottles, or homework and interrupt the classroom learning environment.

While we understand there can be an occasional forgotten lunch, we ask all lunches to be delivered by 10:30am (clearly marked with name, grade, and section). Additionally, parents must alert both teachers (lead and assistant) via email that a lunch has been dropped off. If your child has forgotten a water bottle or other materials, please follow the same drop-off guidelines, communicating with your child’s teacher via email.

DoorDash, Uber Eats, Grubhub, and similar delivery services are not permitted to deliver for students.